
Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Yard Sale almost Bombing...

So I totally picked bad yard sale on Saturday...I wanted to go to a different side of town but we decided to go in a direction towards a kite festival so I picked ones around there. So out of the three we stopped at I got nothing...then on the way home Joshua followed yard sale signs on his own--he's such a good man!--and then we stumbled upon a great yard sale! They had all sorts of outside toys for $5 a piece...sadly our van could barely get the three I bought as there just isn't enough space with our three little ones. But we squished those in and made do...I paid $12 for all 3 and have already sold 2 for $30, the other is the bouncy/jump horse that retails for $125 on amazon...hope to make a bit on that...everything needed to be cleaned up--buy my enviro cloths made that easy!!!

Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Beautiful Children in Spring

Thanks to Mimi my children looked so cute on Sunday. My Mom made the girls dresses, purses and hats. They loved their outfits and my Mom has some amazing skill. Gideon looked very sharp in his little suit. I really wanted to post all of the pictures I took but thought you might get bored looking at that many pictures. For now here are some of the best.