
Thursday, August 23, 2012

Because there can never be enough baby pictures...

So we've had a great first week! Slowly recovering but everyone is doing well. Chloe is a wonderful baby! Gideon and Tirzah are quite in love with her and enjoy checking on her and holding her. Last night I found that Gideon has tucked his Kanga in Chloe's bed...isn't that just adorable? Chloe has great awake times, she is a good baby! We have been so blessed!


Isn't he just the most adorable big brother?

Wide awake.

Baby Kanga

First Bath

Baby Tirzah...


  1. Three of the most beautiful blessings I have ever seen!! Gideon is such a good big brother!

  2. What a blessing to have such a good baby! God knows just what we need! I can't get over how tiny and adorable Chloe is! I can't wait to meet her!

  3. I need my dosage of holding her for today!! If only!
    These pictures are just so precious. You can really tell how grown up Tirzah is now...even thru a picture.

  4. Soooooo precious!!! I'm glad you are both doing well! We'll have to chat soon. I get home on Tuesday (and then I plan to be at Liberty for a film event from Thursday through Saturday), but maybe we can chat on Wednesday or next week. Love you! :-)

  5. Such great pics!! she is soo adorable!!! Tirzah looks soo big next to her, and Gideon is the cutest big brother:)
