
Monday, March 1, 2010

An Open Door

We have been praying about Joshua going back to school to complete his masters for some time. However we prayed that if the Lord wanted him to really go back that he would provide the means for him to take the classes by providing Joshua a teachers assistantship at VA Tech. So he applied again and went to Tech and talked to someone and tried to better his chances at getting an assistantship. Many people apply but it just depends on how many they give out each year. We kept being told that we would hear soon and kept praying. We were content with whatever decision the Lord had for us but I really wanted Joshua to be able to go back as he only has one year left. Last night we found out he is being given a teacher assistantship!!! So he will be going back to school this fall and working as a teacher's assistant!!!!

In other news we had a very, very busy weekend and Gideon was very tired. We got to see Aunt Jamie and Uncle Benjamin and Auntie Bethie who is staying with us till tomorrow!!! Gideon is also very close to sitting up by himself! So here are some pictures!


  1. Wow! How exciting for you guys! Thank You, Lord!

    Gideon is so precious! Those were some adorable pictures you posted!!! Clara enjoyed them too! She was sitting here saying "Baby".


  2. What a blessing! I'm so happy for your family regarding the assistantship!!
    It was wonderful to spend some time with your precious family the other night. I'm head over hills for your little Gideon there! Love the photos. Auntie Beth did a wonderful job taking them. :-)

  3. Gideon is so cute and growing so fast!
    Wish we were closer! Give him a kiss and hug from all of us!!

  4. I just love the picture of Gideon with one eye popping out on Joshua's chest...but all of them are adorable!!! (of course!!!!)

